[Algebra 1 Spring 2014] Week 12T: 4/1

Tuesday 4/8 there will be no class since I have a performance commitment in New York and won’t be able to make it back until that afternoon. My apologies.
For those of you who wish to improve your scores on Test #2, revisions are due this Friday April 4th. As described in last Tuesday’s info post, you may earn up to half of the points you missed by working out the answers to incorrect problems on a separate sheet of paper and handing it in with your test on or before Friday April 4th. Please do not change your answers or make new markings on the test itself. If you want assistance with any of the problems, I recommend that you take advantage of the free tutoring described below.
As mentioned in Friday’s info post, all Visions students have access to free tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00am-3:30pm, held at the Community Presbyterian Church located at 300 Georgia st. in Vallejo.

Videos (optional/participation):
[Ch. 12-1] Direct and Inverse Variation (10 minutes)
[Ch. 12-1] Recognizing Direct and Inverse Variation (7 minutes)

Online Practice (optional/participation):
[Ch. 12-1] Direct and Inverse Variation

Problem Set (mandatory): Complete each problem showing your work and turn in at the next class meeting, stapled, dated, and identified with your name & an appropriate title. Check the answers of odd-numbered problems in each problem set and put a “C” next to each problem you check.
[Ch. 12-1 page 642] problems 11, 12^, 13, 14, 17, 19, 23, 24, 25, 30^, 31, 32, 33;

Posted in Algebra 1 (2013-2014), Classes