[Algebra 1 Spring 2014] Week 13F: 4/11

Happy spring break! Our next class will be on Tuesday, April 22 at the usual time. We will also have a quiz on Ch. 10-5 through Ch. 12-3, so please prepare accordingly.
As of 10:30pm on Wednesday April 16th, I’ve added review problems to the bottom of this post for anyone who wants extra practice on the material that may be covered in the upcoming quiz. I’ve also updated the calendar for what I hope will be the last time.

Videos (optional/participation):
[Ch. 12-4] Simplifying Rational Expressions 2 (6.5 minutes)
[Ch. 12-4] Simplifying Rational Expressions Example 2 (8 minutes)
[Ch. 12-4] Treating Units Algebraically and Dimensional Analysis (6.5 minutes)
[Ch. 12-5] Polynomial Divided by a Monomial (4.5 minutes)
[Ch. 12-5] Dividing Polynomials 1 (3.5 minutes)
[Ch. 12-5] Dividing Polynomials with Remainders (6.5 minutes)

Online Practice (optional/participation):
[Ch. 12-4] Dividing Polynomials by Binomials 1
[Ch. 12-4] Dividing Polynomials by Binomials 2

Problem Set (mandatory): Complete each problem showing your work and turn in at the next class meeting, stapled, dated, and identified with your name & an appropriate title. Check the answers of odd-numbered problems in each problem set and put a “C” next to each problem you check.
[Ch. 12-4 page 660] problems 13, 15, 16, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25^, 26, 27, 28^, 33;
[Ch. 12-5 page 666] problems 11^, 13, 14^, 15, 16^, 17, 19, 21, 22^, 23, 25, 27, 28^;

Review Problems (optional, will be due April 29th): These problems are intended to give you an idea of what may be covered on the upcoming quiz. You are not required to do them, but I recommend looking through them to make sure you’re ready.
[Ch. 10 Study Guide page 574] problems 35, 37, 39;
[Ch. 11-all page 632] problems 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 37, 41, 43, 51, 53;
[Ch. 12-all page 696] problems 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19;

Posted in Algebra 1 (2013-2014), Classes